Saturday, November 10, 2012


We had to do a screencast this week for Multimedia, so I want to share it with you guys. It's not a sewing tip, but I use for quite a few of my projects, so I'm showing the class how to make custom fabrics through that website. Hope you guys enjoy! I probably won't be posting again until Thanksgiving break. The next few weekends are going to be super busy for us.

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Patchmaker, Patchmaker, make me a patch!

This week for my multimedia class we had to make a tutorial Vlog. (a video blog that teaches something)
So I made a video about how to make a really easy patch in the crotch of some Carhart work pants. It's not pretty, but these are my brother-in-law's pants, and I fix them about once every few months. I know many of us have husbands, etc. who work outside and really wear down their clothes, so this is really just to keep them together and not for fancy dress pants. If you rip a pair of those, it's probably best to just get a new pair. They'll never look the same or be as comfortable.
So with no further adieu, here's my video! Hope you enjoy!